Recent News & Events

2019 Chicago Veggie Fest
Being Stylish and Fit pop up live show with Founder of Love ‘n Light Wellness and holistic health and wellness coach Leah Cruz.
2020 Leah & The Tower Garden Grower by Juice+
Being Stylish and Fit pop up live show with Founder of Love ‘n Light Wellness and holistic health and wellness coach Leah Cruz.
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No dirt, no green thumb or land? In a tiny apartment or home? No problem! No more pesticides. No more chemicals. No more wondering where your family’s food came from.
Grow 30% More, 3x Faster, with 98% Less Water An advanced form of hydroponics, aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment rather than soil. Aeroponic systems use water, liquid nutrients and a soilless growing medium to quickly and efficiently grow more colorful, tastier, better smelling and incredibly nutritious produce.
Help Provide a Healthy Meal For A Family In Need!